
Students as active participants in their learning

As a school, we pride ourselves on operating as a community. All stakeholders; students, parents and staff have a role in displaying the school values and taking pride in our school. We are responsive to feedback and adapt our practices to suit the needs of students. We know that students thrive when they have a sense of belonging. We utilise a learning approach that involves a partnership between home and school to ensure we care catering for the academic, social and wellbeing needs of students.

Student Representative Council

At Lethbridge Primary School, our Student Representative Council (SRC) provides a voice for all students. The aim of the SRC is also to enhance the capacity of student leaders and develop students as key stakeholders in decisions and actions to improve our school.

The role of each SRC member is to gather and represent their year level’s opinions, thoughts and ideas.

The SRC meet regularly to discuss school matters, improvements and actions. The SRC often raise money for charities and the school to fund improvement.

Attitudes to School Survey

Each year, our Year 4 to 6 students participate in the Attitudes to School Survey. This survey is an important resource for our school to understand the student perspective and action improvements.