Lethbridge Primary School has a positive and supportive community. We are incredibly grateful for the support our parents and carers provide inside our classrooms and at special events. Parents are encouraged to participate in the learning and development of their children through becoming involved in the life of the school. You can become involved in the school by:
- Attending school assemblies
- Participating in special days, events and celebrations
- Completing the Classroom Helpers Course and helping in our classrooms
- Assisting with sporting activities
- Becoming involved in School Council or School Council initiatives
- Reading the school newsletter and noting dates and requests
- Attending parent-student-teacher conferences and individual student support group meetings
- Working collaboratively with teachers to support the learning of your child
- Participating in our regular community breakfasts and other school community events
- Supporting our Breakfast Club
- Assisting teachers with initiatives such as the annual Book Fair, market stalls and fundraising.